Tuesday 30 October 2012

Part 8 - 5 Nights before 42.195 meters

On Sunday 04 November 2012 I will be doing my first marathon. This obviously sounds strange as I've done runs longer than that. However I've not stopped at 42.195 meters.
I stopped at shorter distances, and I stopped after. So there is a first time for everything they say, guess this is my maiden voyage on the Marathon distance.  Ok so we got that out of the way. I will keep you updated on how this goes.

This week I've been cutting down on running but increasing weights and Total Body Crossramp. This TBC is some sort of Cross-Country thing in my gym. I've done a bit of run on the treadmill and have been cycling to work. Unfortunately I had a flat tyre so had to take the train back home one day. Again, all part of life's little enjoyments.

I also found a "partner in coconut crime". Meaning a friend who likes coconuts. It has to be said however, coconuts are best eaten in a warm climate where they grow. But they still taste good in the United Kingdom or anywhere else. The coconut partner in crime knows who I am talking about.

Today I saw the pictures of the MdS expo. Wonder how I get copies? Specially of those people (yes you know who) wearing a sleeping bag hoodie. What is that all about, do a riot then fall asleep or something? ;-)

I received my £10 mummy sleepingbag arrived. I need to trial out if my claustrophobia handles a sleepingbag without a zipper or that I have to give in to the weight of a zipper. Am sure if I have to I will survive.

Despite loving my runs around Richmond Park with the MdS running club, I think we should start running through the park using the off road and hillies more. I know Wayde is planning a trip to the dunes in Wales but November and December are pretty full for me so I may have skip. But Wayde, get a date and I may join.

For my new friends doing the Druids, good luck, hope the weather gods may be with you.

I also hope my friends in the USA are safe and sound after Sandy came along.

I would think, as we are all a little or a lot obsessed with stuff, we can drive eachother nuts on our facebook page. But it's for a good cause, as the military says: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. However, let's leave some unknown in going to the desert, I personally will. But that is me, and I respect every man/woman has their own way of doing stuff. That is part of beauty we are all different.

I'm glad I picked up pilates again, I had been slacking a bit due to time constraints and there are only classes where I go on Tuesday and Thursday. But it's good to be back in the swing.

It is interesting to read that not only well know pro's are pulled up on doping but also high performing age groupers. But I ready the reasoned decision from the USADA and despite overwhelming statements, I still find it strange how this went on almost as a conspiracy and kept from  the outside world.

So, so much for todays blog, another random soapbox rant. But they are equal part of my preparation for the MdS as are the running events I am doing, so they deserve their place in history.

Ok, have fun and speak soon.


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